Good Friday

570 days ago

The silly, IRA loving, girls of Irish soccer

As a progressive sort of chap, the second team I support in International soccer is, after Northern Ireland, our friends across the border in the Republic. But the Irish girls team don’t seem to like folks like me very much.


1127 days ago

The Tories politicise Easter - it is just a bit tacky

I am glad when politicians of any party say Happy Easter or Merry Christmas rather than, not wishing to cause offence to those of other faiths who will not be offended anyway, saying “Happy Egg day” or “Happy Holidays.” I really do dislike that phrase Happy Holidays when it is wheeled out for the days folks get off work ONLY because that is the time of year Jesus was born. Okay he probably was not born then for reasons I have discussed before but you know what I mean. However, this year, Tory MP after Tory MP has taken to Twitter to politicise, to appropriate, Easter and Good Friday, for themselves. I bring you one such tweet from Edward Timpson MP.


3039 days ago

Frigging Hot Cross Buns at Sainsbury - Its January FFS

My boycott of all supermarkets is going well. Or it was until yesterday when an ailing Mrs ordered me to get some comfort food for her and some cat heroin for Tara the cat. When Tara sees the fridge opened she starts wailing. The only thing that will quieten her is cat milk. It is her heroin and without several fixes a day she gets very cranky. And so I headed to Sainsbury.

I walked in and staring me straight in the face are s stack of packs of hot cross buns at 80p a bag. For fucks sake it is just two days after twelfth night and


3669 days ago

Happy Easter from Greece

Greece takes Easter a lot more seriously than we do.  In many ways it is more important than Christmas. Since Thursday the night air has be split by the sound of home-made fire crackers going off. No bothering with elf n safey here. In fact it has just turned midnight and suddenly the crackers are sounding off with a new intensity and I can hear bells from Churches all around us. Happy Easter, Christ is risen.

On the evening of Good Friday we drove down to the local village to see a candlelight procession. At the front a young man laboured to carry a huge cross. Behind him the local priest bossed a gaggle of young kids carrying smaller crosses. Behind the priest several strapping men carried a shrine and incense was swung. And behind them virtually the whole village trouped along carrying candles on their way to the Church a mile away.

In my wife’s brother in law’s village about seventy miles away instead of a shrine they carry a coffin.

After the service, having forsaken many things for lent the eating begins. It is for this weekend that lambs were born.

Tomorrow we will no doubt be dining on young goat over with the in-laws. At breakfast in that household as in this hotel room we will play some game with dyed eggs seeing whose egg is most resilient to being cracked. The Mrs has tried explaining it to me but I am not sure I get it. Anyhow, we have been presented with our own coloured eggs for the morning.

And then it is off to the wi-fi free zone of the in-laws. Chocolate for the kids, goat for the adults and large amounts of alcohol. With a hangover, I shall then stumble out of bed on Monday for my second lesson in how to milk a goat.

From the Mrs & from me, we wish you all a Happy Easter
